Well,actually i can't really say that Aural Vampire is a band actually,but more comfortably being called as duo group?comprises of Exo-Chika[Vocal] and Raveman[music].Yeap,they r not visual kei bands,but more towards Japanese electronic/dark wave/gothic sound.Love their music,which make me feeling like i'm clubbing in the club,japanese
way!!.found them when i' trying to find new bands to listen to.I used to hear about Aura Vampire before,but maybe seeing the vocalist is a girl,and they didn't look like a band,i don't give a chance to hear their songs before,but hell,i'm happy i tried to listen to their songs now.Favourites of mine would be Freezeeee!!,Darkwave Surfer,湘南族 -cannibal coast-.well,try give them a try!!