A visual kei band member denouncing Hatsune Miku and the other Vocaloids as “not being real music” has prompted outrage amongst Miku’s legion of devoted followers.
The visual kei band (essentially Japanese style glam/gothic rock marketed to women on the basis of visual appeal) in question is “The GazettE,” considered highly popular for a visual kei outfit.
The member who involved is Aoi.Huh?Aoi?what are you doing this time??..
Group member “Aoi” tweeted to his 40,000 followers about how threatened he feels by Miku and company:
I don’t like to say this but I’m not happy seeing listeners and magazines treat Vocaloid stuff as real “[artistic] works.”
It’s certainly marvellous technology, but if you are satisfied with that there’s no point in us making music. I could go so far as to say it makes what we’re doing nothing but masturbation.
People who treat mere machines like that as being equal to artists are crazy.
This immediately provoked outrage amongst Vocaloid fans, and rather than stand and face their indignation he apparently deleted the Tweet and fled, although by this time it was too late and Vocaloid fans from far and wide were piling in on the fight.
P/S:Dear Aoi, eventhough you might not read this,actually it is unfair for you to label their fans,as 'CRAZY' just because their favourite or their music idols are not human,and machine oriented,which we all know they are not exist.Just like Gorillaz, eventhough they are not real people just like you and the rest of your band,they deserves the honour and your band and them are in the same flow,which is music.Don't let FAME make you an ignorant person,as ignorance and perhaps ego eventhough they may made you seem bold,but they will drag yourself away and place you in the place which you does not want to be in the first place.One more,BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU TWEET,COZ LOTS OF PEOPLE WATCHING EVERY LINE OF IT.EVERY SECOND.DON'T LET YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT ALLOWS YOU TO SELF DESTRUCT JUST BECAUSE OF WORDS YOU TWEET.
**is MIKU sounds that bad Aoi??*Huuuu
Credits to:http://www.sankakucomplex.com
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