Finally,the FULL PV is out. i really cannot assure how long this PV will stays on my page as i realized today,most of videos found in youtube are already been erased or unavailable due to copyright by PS Company.This is one i managed to take before it will be taken down.(it has already been taken down!!)oww...
Never mind..By the way speaking of this PV,i guess THE GAZETTE really rocks it!in ballad way.like other ballads they made before like Guren,PLEDGE really gives the audience an outstanding +sad feeling.Yeah,i guess i played this song nearly 100 times last night.and i really love the acoustic part y aoi and uruha,which is like piercing my heart.(T___T)*
in the end,i guess the song really captures the audience.and whoever just get dumped or left by someone,please avoid urself from listening this,or you gonna need a pail for your tears.

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